Sure:Are you sure you want to quit the program? Click OK to quit, Cancel to return to the program.
FST:File systems
UKCountry:Unknown (%0)
UKTerr:Unknown (%0)
GotConf:Configure is already running.
# Help on windows
# Drives window
HD0:\Srun a !Boot file after each reset from the default file system and drive.
HD0S:\Sstop running !Boot after each reset.
HD1:\Smount discs after the machine is turned on, for all FileCore-type filing systems (e.g. ADFS, IDEFS) that can mount discs.
HD1S:\Sstop mounting discs when the machine is turned on.
HD2:\Rchoose the default filing system, the one which is selected when you reset or turn on the machine.
HD6:Click MENU to choose the default filing system, the one which is selected when you reset or turn on the machine.
HD10/HD10S:Click MENU or \s to choose the default filing system, the one which is selected when you reset or turn on the machine.
HD3/HD7/HD11/HD11S/HD12/HD12S:Click on the arrows to modify the default ADFS drive (i.e. the one ADFS boots from). NB: The program does *not* check for validity, so it is possible to enter a bad drive number.
HD18/HD19/HD20/HD20S/HD21/HD21S:Click on the arrows to modify the floppy disc step factor. You should not do this on Acorn-supplied drives.
HD4/HD8/HD13/HD13S/HD14/HD14S:Click on the arrows or type in a new value to change the size of ADFS' directory cache. The cache speeds up disc access and reduces wear on the disc by avoiding constantly reading the disc for a directory.
HD5/HD9/HD15/HD15S/HD16/HD16S:Click on the arrows or type in a new value to change the number of buffers used by ADFS for open files. This should speed up loading and saving.
HD?/HD??/HD??S/HDW:This is the Drives window, where you can configure various options relating to discs, drives and filing systems.
# Filer window
HF0/HF1:Click on the icons to choose how files are displayed
HF2/HF2S:\Ssort files by name.
HF3/HF3S:\Ssort files by type.
HF4/HF4S:\Ssort files by size.
HF5/HF5S:\Ssort files by date.
HF6/HF6S:\Sdisplay large icons in Filer windows.
HF7/HF7S:\Sdisplay small icons in Filer windows.
HF8/HF8S:\Sdisplay full info in Filer windows.
HF9/HF10:Click on the icons to choose how files are copied
HF12:\Sforce the Filer to ask for confirmation when copying, renaming or deleting files.
HF12S:\Sstop the Filer asking for confirmation when copying, renaming or deleting files.
HF13:\Smake the Filer open a progress window when copying, renaming or deleting files.
HF13S:\Sstop the Filer opening a progress window when copying, renaming or deleting files.
HF11:\Smake the Filer ignore files' protected state when copying or deleting files.
HF11S:\Sstop the Filer overwriting protected files when copying or deleting files.
HF14:\Smake the Filer only overwrite files when copying, if the source file has a later date-stamp than the destination file.
HF14S:\Sstop the Filer worrying about date-stamps when copying files.
HF15:\Smake the Filer truncate file-names if they are too long.
HF15S:\Smake the Filer give an error if a file-name is too long.
HF16/HF17:Click on the icons to choose how file server lists are displayed.
HF18/HF18S:\Ssort file servers by number.
HF19/HF19S:\Ssort file servers by name.
HF20/HF20S:\Sdisplay large icons in file server lists.
HF21/HF21S:\Sdisplay small icons in file server lists.
HF21/HF21S:\Sdisplay full info in file server lists.
HF?/HF??/HF??S/HFW:This is the Filer window, where you can configure how the Filer operates.
# Misc window
HM0:\Shave full hardware tests when you turn the machine on. This will take about twice as long as normal.
HM0S:\Sdisable full hardware tests when you turn the machine on. The tests will then take about half as long.
HM1:\Senable the processor cache, speeding up the machine. This will only work on an ARM3, ARM610 or later machine.
HM1S:\Sdisable the processor cache, slowing the machine down. This will only work on an ARM3, ARM610 or later machine.
HM2:\Sdrag sprites from Save boxes.
HM2S:\Sdrag dotted boxes from Save boxes.
HM3:\Smake the screen blanker restore the screen if an application tries to write to it.
HM3S:\Smake the screen blanker only restore the screen if the mouse is moved or a key is pressed.
HM4:\Smake applications use 3D (i.e. new-style) templates. Many programs ignore this option.
HM4S:\Smake applications use 2D (i.e. old-style) templates. Many programs ignore this option.
HM5:\Smake the WIMP dither all colours in greyscale modes. This will only affect display fields in dialogue boxes, menus, and similar objects. Changes take place after a mode change.
HM5S:\Smake the WIMP only dither colours 0 to 7 in greyscale modes. This will only affect display fields in dialogue boxes, menus, and similar objects. Changes take place after a mode change.
HM6:\Shave the option of booting from a floppy after a reset. A picture of a floppy disc will appear; clicking \s will attempt to boot from the floppy, clicking \a or MENU will boot from the default file system and drive.
HM6S:\Sstop that annoying picture of a floppy disc appearing after each reset.
HM7:\Shave slightly better scrolling (not *that* better, though ;) ).
HM7S:\Srevert to standard scrolling (although I can't see any difference).
HM10:\Rchoose a module to enter after reset.
HM8:Click MENU to choose a module to enter after reset. Sensible choices are UtilityModule (start with a Supervisor prompt), BASIC (start with a BASIC prompt), or Desktop; others may not work.
HM9/HM9S:Click MENU or \s to choose a module to enter after reset. Sensible choices are UtilityModule (start with a Supervisor prompt), BASIC (start with a BASIC prompt), or Desktop; others may not work.
HM11/HM12/HM13/HM13S/HM14/HM14S:Click on the arrows or type in a new value to change the time the pointer has to be over a submenu arrow before the Wimp automatically opens the submenu (only if “Open submenus automatically” is set in the Windows window).
HM17/HM18/HM19/HM19S/HM20/HM20S:Click on the arrows or type in a new value to change the time menus are disabled after a submenu has been opened automatically (only if “Open submenus automatically” is set in the Windows window).
HM21:Click MENU to choose a Territory, which in turn determines the language, alphabet and keyboard the machine uses. If my machine is anything to go by, there will only be one choice.
HM22/HM22S:Click MENU or \s to choose a Territory, which in turn determines the language, alphabet and keyboard the machine uses. If my machine is anything to go by, there will only be one choice.
HM23:\Rchoose a Territory.
HM25/HM24:Click on the arrows to change the time zone of the computer, which in turn will change the time.
HM26/HM26S/HM27/HM27S:Click on these arrows to modify the time zone by one hour intervals.
HM28/HM28S/HM29/HM29S:Click on these arrows to modify the time zone by quarter hour intervals.
HM30:\Sselect non-daylight-saving time (e.g. GMT, winter time).
HM30S:The clock is currently configured as non-daylight-saving time (e.g. GMT, winter time).
HM31:\Sselect daylight-saving time (e.g. BST, summer time).
HM31S:The clock is currently configured as daylight-saving-time (e.g. BST, summer time).
HM34:\Rchoose a Country.
HM32:Click MENU to choose a Country, which in turn determines the alphabet and keyboard layout. Unlike Territory, there should be absolutely masses.
HM33/HM33S:Click MENU or \s to choose a Country, which in turn determines the alphabet and keyboard layout. Unlike Territory, there should be absolutely masses.
HM?/HM??/HM??S/HMW:This is the Miscellaneous window, where you can configure various options that either didn’t fit in any other windows or weren't available in the original unextended !Configure.
# Third party window
HTW:This is the Third Party window, for Configure options supplied by non-Acorn modules. Enter new values in the writable icons. Moving the cursor with the arrow keys, Tab, Shift-Tab or Return will write a new value.